The long-running medical drama on ABC begins its 19th season, and CBS airs a reality series inspired by the 1976 TV show.

Between network, cable and streaming, the modern television landscape is a vast one. Here are some of the shows, specials and movies coming to TV this week, Oct. 3 — 9. Details and times are subject to change.

THE GOOD DOCTOR 10 p.m. on ABC. Season 6 is starting moments after the last season dropped off — with a wedding interrupted by a traumatic crime. Shaun  Highmore) and Lea (Paige Spara) navigate their relationship as newlyweds and check on Dr. Lim  Christina Chang) and Nurse Villanueva (Elfina Luk), who survived a stabbing by Villaneuvas ex-boyfriend and are (hopefully) starting their recovery process.

HOCUS POCUS (1993) 9 p.m. on Freeform. Once the leaves start to change, the air brings a chill and every grocery store stocks pumpkin-spice products, it’s time to get in the Halloween spirit. What better way than with the witchy Sanderson sisters? Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy star as the sister witches who are resurrected on Halloween night. This will also catch you up for the long-awaited sequel, now on Disney+.