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Keith Urban And Nicole Kidman’s Rule With Daughters In Public

 Keith Urban and his wife Nicole Kidman are quite famous all over the world. But the couple and their daughters Sunday and Faith who are 14 and 11 do not let that stop them from living a reasonably normal life and experiencing outings in public. Keith recently said he brought his daughters along for his tour this summer and in between shows  they took in an aquarium or two. And no they did not get mobbed.

Urban told us his trick to hanging out in public   I stick a ball cap on and just blend in blend right in most places you know. Yeah my experience generally is that people are pretty good they may want to get a picture or something and you give that and people move on. People are cool. I do not really have much trouble with all of that. Keith did say that he and Nicole have a rule of thumb when fans approach the couple and they are with their two daughters. He shared We just really from the beginning if we are with our kids we do not really take a photo with anybody.

He explains Its really more to do with, you know, we are parents first and foremost at that moment and we hope that people understand that too. Especially when you have got tiny little kids you turn your back for one moment to take a picture with someone and then who has taking care of your kids. You just have to prioritize them. I always say to people I am with our kids today. I am sorry  any other time yeah but I can not today. Now that the girls are back in school Urban admits that he does not actually make the girls school lunches or fix their hair in the morning.

 Still he and Nicole are normal parents.  We are regular in the sense that we are all up and about we have breakfast in the morning as a family we get the kids out to school we take them to school. One of us usually picks them up in the afternoon its all pretty normal stuff. Even if I am touring I’m able to get em take em home and then head off to the gig. That happens a lot which is great and be there the next morning because I come home after the night.

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