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Bringing Back Mighty Thor Would Ruin Love & Thunder's Perfect Message

 The moral of Thor Love and Thunder will be weakened if Marvel indulges in their resurrection habit and brings Jane Foster back to life in the MCU.

Bringing Jane Foster back from the dead in the MCU would ruin the powerful message of Thor Love and Thunder. The MCUs latest Thor installment has come under some criticism particularly toward the films tone which has raised concerns that the next Thor sequel will be difficult to pull off. Despite this writer director Taika Waititis latest MCU offering handles the theme of love in the context of terminal illness with care and empathy. By its end Thor Love and Thunder portrays positive growth in the relationship between Jane and Thor to the point where they are able to love unconditionally and accept each others choices even the choice to die.

In Thor Love and Thunder Jane Foster is revealed to be suffering from stage 4 cancer. Having exhausted all scientific possibilities she seeks out Thors shattered hammer Mjölnir to heal herself. The hammer does indeed grant her powers but it only provides a healthy exterior. When she has not holding it her illness returns. Even worse the hammer is revealed to be counteracting the limited effects of the medicines she receives. In the scenes before the final battle with Gorr the God Butcher Thor tells Jane to stay in the hospital to give her the best chance of successfully recovering. Jane resists and argues that she would rather spend her remaining time on her own terms fighting by his side as the Mighty Thor. Though she initially agrees to stay behind when she does appear in the final battle Thor accepts her decision despite its tragic implications.

It is in this acceptance and support from Thor and the subsequent scene where Jane passes away in his arms that the Thor: Love and Thunders explorations of love in the face of death really shine. Not least because this moment is integral to Gorr changing his mind. Rather than using his Eternity wish to wipe all gods in the MCU from existence he resurrects his daughter, choosing to act for love over vengeance. For the MCU to have Jane return after this powerful moment would undermine the films greatest thematic strength and diminish the significance of their decisions.

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