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9 Shows Like The X-Files to Watch If You Like The X-Files

 If you are searching the skies for more shows like The X Files you are not alone. Between its iconic original run in the  90s and its two season revival in the 2010s the sci -fi classic served up over 200 episodes and two movies  which can keep fans busy for a while. But even though the best X Files episodes are so rewatchable its almost paranormal theres no harm in shaking things up. And while its no secret that countless procedurals have been influenced by Mulder  David Duchovny  and Scullys  Gillian Anderson  opposites attract partnership  shades of The X Files can be found in plenty of other TV dramas too.

Whether you watch The X Files for the horror the romance the government conspiracies or the reminder that the world is fundamentally chaotic and unknowable this list has something for every kind of fan. These are the shows you should check out next.

David Lynch and Mark Frosts surreal masterpiece has its fingerprints all over The X Files from its cinematic visuals to its Pacific Northwestern eeriness.  A number of cast members also overlap including David Duchovny. Twin Peaks which premiered on ABC in 1990 just three years before The X Files and returned for a third season on Showtime in 2017 centers on the investigation into the death of small town homecoming queen Laura Palmer  Sheryl Lee whose murder exposes a powerful darkness in the community. The shows blend of supernatural horror melodrama and absurdity changed television pushing the bounds of what a mystery show  or any show  could do. Twin Peaks often feels like a nightmare and a dream at once. Its stranger than The X Files. But the shows share an understanding that sinister forces hide under the surface of any town and that true evil does not make sense.

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