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The Repair Shop's Will Kirk and Steve Fletcher wow viewers with incredible restoration of unique item

 The team worked on a Big Ben model made of matchsticks.

The Repair Shop stars Will Kirk and Steve Fletcher wowed viewers in Thursday night's episode, which saw the woodwork expert and horologist team up to repair a very unique item.

The model, which stands at just over five feet tall and features 5,520 matches, belonged to her great grandfather, artist Edwin Aldous, who built it in 1953 to commemorate the late Queen Elizabeth's coronation. Charlotte explained that her grandmother was incredibly proud of her father's creation, which features 5,520 matches. She wasn't necessarily a sentimental kind of woman but this was the thing that she kept," said Charlotte. "She loved it so much. She was most proud of her dad in that sense."

Before her grandmother passed away, she handed the clock down to Charlotte, expressing her wish that her grandaughter take care of it.On what it would mean to her to have the clock restored, Charlotte said: "It would be amazing. It would really bring back nice memories, especially since my nan has passed. This is the biggest thing I have if hers and it is sentimentally the biggest thing and just to have that working again would bring me back to being in her house."

While Will got to work on cleaning the clock and doing the match work, Steve focused on the mechanics. 

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