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Cowboy Bebop Was Just One Of The Shows That Helped Inspire Starfield

 There's an endless amount of shows and movies that helped create Starfield.

Starfield is one of the more anticipated and hyped-up video games this year. It’s a title we have also been waiting on for a good little while. First highlighted by Bethesda before Microsoft acquired them, this game has since transitioned into a Microsoft exclusive. So those on PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms are eager for this next RPG epic. While this is a brand new IP from Bethesda, that doesn’t mean they didn’t tap into other franchises for franchises. Recently, the word has been circulating online from a developer’s tweet about the inspirations developers had when building this game.

Last month, Emil Pagliarulo mentioned inspirations for the game, but word is starting to circulate online again. If you’re unfamiliar with Emil Pagliarulo but their name, this is the design director for Bethesda working on Starfield. It was asked what movies or shows have a Starfield vibe. This might be a great way to get into the mood of this space RPG before it’s readily available in the marketplace. However, Emil noted that they couldn’t offer too many details as it might start to head into more spoiler territory. For instance, the example offered was Donnie Brasco, as you could be a space cop and report back to your superiors. 

However, Emil goes on to say that there are too many science fiction movies and television shows that helped inspire the game. This includes everything from Cowboy Bebop, Event Horizon, and Silent Running. Because this is a game set in outer space, there’s apparently enough room to really tap into all kinds of unique takes and inspirations from a variety of sources. Fortunately, we don’t have too much longer of a wait to start exploring this RPG and partaking in the various quests that will pop up along the way. 

Starfield is set to launch on September 6, 2023. When the game does release, you can enjoy the title on Xbox Series X/S and PC platforms. Meanwhile, we also know that both Microsoft and Bethesda will be holding their unique press conference event this June to further showcase what is coming into the marketplace. We’ll get a deep dive into Starfield with more details, likely highlighting the game premise and its features, so you’ll want to tune in for that event this June. 

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