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The Repair Shop guest bursts into tears after painting her family hid from Nazis is restored

 Maria Kirk’s ancestors had stitched the artwork into a winter coat.

A guest onThe Repair Shop was moved to tears during last night’s episode (22 March), after a painting that her family had hidden from the Nazis was restored.In one of the most moving moments in the show’s six-year history, painting conservator Lucia Scalisi was presented with a 19th century artwork of the Madonna and Child, which guest Maria Kirk explained had an extraordinary story behind it.

Kirk told Scalisi that the painting had belonged to her grandfather, a Ukrainian Catholic priest, who had been given the piece by his father when he was ordained.

It had been on display in his church in the village of Skowiatyn, Western Ukraine, until the outbreak of the Second World War, when Kirk’s mother, aunt and grandmother fled.

“They were escaping from the Russians on one side and the Germans on the other,” Kirk said, explaining that the painting was one of the few items they brought with them, rolled up and stitched into a winter coat.The three women were captured by the Nazis and sent to a labour camp, where Kirk’s grandmother died of starvation.Her mother relocated to the UK after the war, and her aunt stayed in Germany and kept the painting, before giving it to Kirk years later.

She said it’s the only thing she has left of her family’s, telling the programme: “I haven’t got any other tangible proof they even existed.”Kirk said she plans to return the painting to the church in Ukraine at some stage.With everything that is happening there, I think it would be special to see that out of all the darkness and horror, something beautiful and peaceful and gentle could come out of this,” she said.

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