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Watch SEAL Team Season 6, Episode 3 live online

 Bravo Team is heading into a dangerous part of the world with the threat of being decommissioned in SEAL Team Season 6, Episode 3.

If it was just a dangerous mission, Bravo Team probably wouldn’t feel the weight of it that much. However, there’s a risk of the team being decommissioned, and this could be the last mission they do together. That’s weighing heavily, especially after everything that happened to Clay in the SEAL Team Season 6 premiere.

The new episode sees the team heading off to Syria. Davis hopes that the intel she got doesn’t lead them into the most dangerous zones in the Middle East, but we know this show well enough. Of course, it’s going to lead them there, and there’s nothing they can do about it.Jason is certainly concerned that this is going to be it for Bravo Team. There’s been a lot going wrong with the team in recent seasons, and there’s been the threat of a few changes here and there for a while. The latest with Clay has certainly rocked all of them. Jason will want the whole thing to go off without a hitch.

Meanwhile, we’ll get some more time to see Clay in recovery. He’s struggling with the loss of what could be his whole career. Now, there are some members of the Armed Forces still serving with prosthetics, but they don’t do the same work that Clay would be used to. He also needs to get to that point, and believe that it is a possibility for him.Clay isn’t the only one we’re worried about. Jason’s TBI is still a huge concern for the team. Ray is extra worried, and he seems unwilling to retire from field duty while his best friend is out there.

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