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Wentworth Miller: Prison Break star Wentworth Miller dey out for gay role

 Wentworth Miller popular Hollywood star don confam say im no go return for di sixth season of Fox Network  Prison Break.

Miller shock fans wit one Instagram post wia im reveal im decision to shun di show due to im decision to only play gay characters.

Inside di trending post Miller identified with gay community while im beg to fans and critics who  fall in love wit not real life straight man wey dey a real gay one dey play.On a related note I am out. Of PB. Officially Miller comment.I just no wan play straight characters. Dem don tell and tell dia stories. So. No more Michael. If you be a fan of di show hoping for additional seasons... I understand say dis dey disappointing. I dey sorry.

A new survey conducted by M and Ms has revealed that 43 per cent of young people in the UK cannot relate in any way to the characters they see on the big screen. The research which surveyed 2,000 Brits aged from 18 to 35 concluded that 57 per cent think stereotypes are offensive and are overused in films.

Oversexualised women is the stereotype young adults claim they see too much of in movies followed by women being depicted as weak and sensitive and foreign characters broken English being used for comedy effect. Black and Latino people being portrayed as gang members and  flamboyant members of the LGBTQ+ community are also cited as outdated stereotypes. The research was commissioned by the confectionary brand as part of its global  FUNd initiative that is designed to champion diversity and inclusion.

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