Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow will celebrate her birthday on Tuesday next week. The 50 year old actress posted a bikini photo of herself on her own Instagram account. In the black and white picture the actor has jumped into the air and looks enthusiastically at the camera. In his new blog post the star actor opens up about his thoughts regarding his own aging. If you do not see the image you can view it here .
My body the map of the evidence of all days is less timeless he writes. I try my best to strive for good health and longevity to fight muscle weakening and bone fragility. According to the actor the most important thing is also to accept aging. I accept the marks loose skin and wrinkles. I accept my body and let go of the need to be perfect to look perfect to defy gravity to defy logic to defy humanity. I accept my humanity the blog reads. Paltrow is best remembered for Shakespeare in Love which came out in 1998. She starred in the romantic comedy as Viola de Lesseps. Paltrow was awarded an Oscar for the role in 1999.
The Hollywood star was engaged to actor Brad Pitt in the 90s but the relationship ended in separation a few six months after the engagement. In 2020 in an interview with Harpers Bazaar the actress commented that she is on friendly terms with Pitt. There is no bad blood between us Paltrow replied. The actress has been married to Chris Martin known from the band Coldplay from 2003 to 2014. During the union they had two children Apple Blythe Alison Martin and Moses Bruce Anthony Martin .Today Paltrow is married to screenwriter Brad Falchuk . They started dating in 2015. Wedding bells rang for the couple in autumn 2018.